Thursday, December 29, 2016


A non-invasive way to achieve healthy, youthful skin without resorting to surgery.” - its the statement representing results  with the usage of the Environ Ionzyme DF machine. The DF Facial is quickly becoming a favourite among Hollywood’s elite, including Grey’s Anatomy’s Ellen Pompeo, among others.
But for those of you , who didn't hear about the Environ brand before - its one of the leading skincare brands in the world offering not only professional treatments but also proper home care beauty plans:-)
Jak zwykle, podczas mojej wizyty w Polsce - zawsze planujemy zabiegi upiekszajace w jednym z moich ulubionych instytutow pielegnacji skory (Instytut Zdrowia I Urody Kleopatra), ktory miesci sie w Koscianie i prowadzi go moja przyjaciolka - Beata Suszka. Jednym z zabiegow, ktore zaplanowalysmy - jest zabieg na twarz z uzyciem kwasu mlekowego oraz jonofrezy z firmy Environ. W celu wykonania jonoforezy, potrzebne jest specjalistyczne urzadzenie, pod nazwa DF machine. Dzieki jej uzyciu, skladniki preparatow, ktore sa  rozprowadzane na skorze - zwiekszaja penetracje witamin do wnetrza komorek zywej czesci naskorka, az 4-krotnie!
The Ionzyme DF machine provides facial treatments which are at the very forefront of scientific skin care.
The machine introduces the use of Pulsed Iontophoresis – the use of a specifically pulsed electrical current to facilitate penetration of vitamins into the cells, and Low Frequency Sonophoresis – the use of sound waves to transport vitamin molecules through the skin.
The Ionzyme DF Machine has been specifically designed for Environ skin care treatments, and it is considered the most effective machine in the world today for enhancing the penetration of high doses of vitamins and serums into the skin.
With the powerful vitamin therapy of Environ there can be a remarkable change in the appearance of your skin.

Dla milosnikow nowosci kosmetycznych - zapraszam do odwiedzenia strony www salonu Kleopatra!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


When it comes to hair - I've been always very conscious about proper way of treating them.
When I moved to Canada - especially to Calgary - my hair condition changed dramatically because of dryness. That was one of my main concern, but on the top of that being an active woman - it got greasy very easily. So how to keep healthy scalp, moisture and shine?

During my visit in Poland this Christmas - I've had a chance to discover Medavita - the leading Italian brand for haircare treatments founded over 50 years ago in Milan.
All of their products must offer the utmost efficacy right away, respecting the physiology of the scalp and hair. Their main ingredients are just essential oils and ultra-pure plant extracts selected with great care all over the world.

A rich blend of precious, rare ingredients to give the hair the shine and splendour of the stars - its the mission behind one of Medavita hairline - Huile d’Étoile.

The new complete treatment line containing oils -the most ancient and precious ingredient for beautiful, light, silky hair (including Sacha Inchi Oil (rich in fatty acids), Mooring Oil ( adds shine and protects the hair), Cyperus Oil (revitalizing and nourishing), and Linseed Oil ( nourishing and preventing from frizzing).

The line include: Sheen oil intensive care, Captivating oils shampoo pH 5.5, Shining oils hair mask pH 3,  Multi-active youth hair serum pH 3.5 and Radiance Revealing oil).

What an experience.
My hair not only feels different from the first use of the products but it also looks healthy and shiny!!!
Thank You Medavita Polska for the beautiful treat:-)

Thank You Medavita Polska for beautiful Christmas gift

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Designs : La Mania
Photography : Filip Okopny

With my friend& "partner-in-crime" at LaMania fashion show - 
stunning @ewawojciechowska

Caught in the first row...

Selfie&smile w/ LaMania Creative Director&Designer  - 
Joanna Przetakiewicz

My love for black&white
Before LaMania fashion show